Quantum Corporation QM32100SE-A hard drive specifications
Quantum Fireball SE - hard drive - 2.1 GB - ATA-33
In just the last year or so, the desktop computing landscape changed dramatically. As a performance leader in mass storage for the desktop, the new Quantum Fireball SE is destined to be the drive of choice for desktop publishing, presentations, CAD/CAM, MMX multimedia, and DVD, as well as standard computation-intensive applications. To handle the huge graphics files associated with multimedia and the Internet, Fireball SE drives pack even more storage onto each platter. Fireball SE drives provide all the capacity you'll need for current and future applications. Now Fireball SE drives achieve a level of performance well beyond the expectations of the most demanding power user. As with all Quantum products, Fireball SE drives are engineered and manufactured to the highest standards. With Quantum Fireball SE drives, you can have it all performance, capacity, and total reliability.
Recommended software for Quantum Corporation QM32100SE-A status and S.M.A.R.T. monitoring is ActiveSMART www.ariolic.com