Quantum Corporation QM336400TN-SCA hard drive specifications
Quantum Atlas 10K - hard drive - 36.4 GB - Ultra160 SCSI
Quantum's Atlas 10K hard drives are designed to deliver top speed, reliable, and high capacity storage for Windows NT or UNIX enterprise and departmental servers as well as high-performance workstations running 2D graphics, 3D video, and other high I/O applications. The Atlas 10K achieves this through its industry-topping 10,000RPM rotational speed, quick 5ms average seek time, 26MB per second peak sustained throughput, large 2MB buffer, and its industry-leading Ultra 160/m SCSI interface. Ultra 160/m SCSI, based on Ultra3 SCSI specifications, provides twice the data transfer rate of its predecessor, Ultra2 SCSI, to reach a transfer rate of 160MB per second. It uses double-edge clocking to achieve this transfer rate, which is essential for high-bandwidth applications, such as clustered servers, file/print and email servers, engineering and graphics workstations, relational databases, and data warehousing. Ultra 160/m SCSI also features cyclical redundancy checking, which is important to maintain data integrity when you are hot-swapping drives in RAID environments. Another core feature of Ultra 160/m SCSI is domain validation, which enhances subsystem manageability through intelligent network testing. Ultra 160/m SCSI is fully compatible with current SCSI implementations.
Recommended software for Quantum Corporation QM336400TN-SCA status and S.M.A.R.T. monitoring is ActiveSMART www.ariolic.com