Hitachi America Ltd. 0A78741 hard drive specifications
Hitachi Travelstar Z7K320 HTS723216A7A364 - hard drive - 160 GB - SATA-300
Travelstar Z7K320 is designed as a direct replacement for standard HDDs, for use in notebook PCs, external storage and compact systems. The Z7K320 offers design flexibility to accommodate thinner and more robust devices/systems. Travelstar Z7K320 provides the right balance of performance and capacity to meet the multi-tasking needs of commercial and consumer users on the go. Travelstar Z7K320 is the fourth generation to feature Bulk Data Encryption (BDE) for hard-drive-level data security. Hitachi has designed these self-encrypting drives to the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) opal storage security specification, which is expected to become an industry standard. With BDE, the data is scrambled using a key as it is written to the disk, then descrambled with the key as it is retrieved, giving users the high level of data protection available. It also speeds and simplifies the drive re-deployment process. By deleting the encryption key, the data on the drive is rendered unreadable, thereby eliminating the need for time-consuming data-overwrite. Hitachi provides enhanced-availability model of the Travelstar Z7K320 that delivers 24 x 7 access to information for data-intensive applications requiring round-the-clock operation. The slimmer profile provides for additional cooling, especially important in dense blade server designs. The Z7K320 provides high capacity, performance and durability on a proven platform for quality and reliability. EA model supports the stringent demands of "always-on" applications in lower-transaction environments.
Recommended software for Hitachi America Ltd. 0A78741 status and S.M.A.R.T. monitoring is ActiveSMART