Hitachi America Ltd. IC25N020ATCS05 hard drive specifications
Hitachi Travelstar 40GNX IC25N020ATCS05 - hard drive - 20 GB - ATA-100
The Hitachi Travelstar 40GNX is a 9.5mm high, fifth generation 5400 rpm, hard disk drive for mobile computing. The innovative hard drive design combines AFC Media, Fluid Dynamic Bearing (FDB) motor technology, Giant Magnetoresistive (GMR) heads, Partial Response Maximum Likelihood (PRML) digital channel, head load/unload technology, Enhanced Adaptive Batter Life Extender (ABLE) 3.0, and an ATA/100 interface. With this design, the Travelstar 40GNX provides exceptional storage capacity, performance, power management and quality required by today's demanding notebook requirements. The Travelstar family of hard disk drives incorporates the latest in storage technology - Antiferromagnetically-coupled (AFC) media, informally known as "pixie dust." This technology sandwiches a three-atom-thick layer of ruthenium, a precious metal, between two magnetic layers on a disk, allowing for a higher areal density, breaking through limitations of the super paramagnetic effect. As a result, the Hitachi Travelstar drives are suitable for demanding, high-capacity Internet, digital audio, video streaming, and real-time multimedia applications - whether users are in the office or on the road. In non-traditional applications, Travelstar drives can now incorporate into such products as Point-of-Sale Systems, Set-Top Boxes, Telemetry (automobile) applications, and communications and entertainment systems.
Recommended software for Hitachi America Ltd. IC25N020ATCS05 status and S.M.A.R.T. monitoring is ActiveSMART