HP 293556-B21 hard drive specifications
HP hard drive - 146.8 GB - FC-AL
The 146 GB 10, 000 RPM FC Hard Disk Drive (HDD) represents the next generation high capacity drive offered with the HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array. The Enterprise Virtual Array now supports a combination of different drives sizes including 36 GB, 72 GB, and 146 GB capacities. The 146 GB drive is specifically for use with the Enterprise Virtual Array version 2. The target customer base for the 146 GB drive can be characterized by sophisticated data center users who want maximum capacity for their Enterprise Virtual Array at a reasonable price. Application areas seen as potential markets include OLTP, ERP, and any applications requiring large amounts of online storage.
Recommended software for HP 293556-B21 status and S.M.A.R.T. monitoring is ActiveSMART www.ariolic.com